Who Am I?
Hello and welcome to my blog space!
My name is Juliette Ries and I have created this site in hopes of fulfilling my inner-self's desire to be useful, helpful, and inspirational for those looking to lead a healthier life, in turn, a happier one. I am deeply passionate about learning, growing and evolving as much as possible in this life.
After pursuing my dream to be a fashion designer, I dropped out of the fashion school FIDM back in 2002 because I was not liking the class which taught us which countries had the cheapest child laborers. I was young and into the punk rock scene, going to anarchists meetings in LA at the time so it just wasn't resonating with me.
I later went to my community college and took a bunch of random classes including Japanese and Real Estate. Although they were interesting classes I just didn't pursue anything further with them.
Lessons were learned as I was attempting to find a plan of action for my life. After spending many years trying to find my true self, I realized that I had never actually lost my-self. I also learned that happiness is not a destination but a state of mind that can be a lifelong journey to maintain. After spending many years wishing and wanting, I took action.
I chose to go back to school for one of the many things I am passionate about, nutrition. I love learning about food's healing capabilities. I was also lucky enough to be able to learn more about meditation and reading great things written by Seaward, Joseph Campbell, Sapolsky, and Carl Jung that really sparked my desire to seek within myself for answers. I also discovered Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now which was, another great awakening for me.
I graduated Kaplan University, now known as Purdue in 2016 with a Bachelors degree in Nutrition Science and maintained a 4.0 GPA my entire time there.
Some of the classes I was taking taught about Eastern and Ancient medicinal practices, including meditation which I found really helped me with depression.
I started a yoga practice in 2012 and am loving the deeper awareness, connection and calmness that it brings to my life.
I am hoping to be able to convey some of the things I've been inspired by and that have help me overcome depression and an unhealthy lifestyle by using this blog to hopefully help you as well.
I don't like to categorize myself with titles but I will for the sake of you getting to know me better. I am a published author, photographer, artist, yogi, weight lifter, nutritionist, blogger, friend, sister, daughter, student of life, explorer and traveler. I became a new mom to my baby girl in 2016, and a new stepmom to 2 other beautiful children I get to raise as my own with their father, my fiance, Ken, my loving partner who I met in 2009 after leaving probably the most toxic relationship of my life. I am blessed to have an older and younger brother and an older and younger sister. I grew up for the first 10 years of my life in France, the following 15 in California, and am now living and thriving in Ohio.
I love to meet new people and am non-judgmental and very open minded. Please introduce yourself and chat with me!
Juliette Ries
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