I wrote this book with my sister in mind. A person who has a busy lifestyle but wants to take better care of their health through nutrition with easy to make recipes. Someone who needs meal ideas, meals prepared in advance, meals that'll feed a family, be wholesome and nutritious, and keep you healthy and energized.
The first part of this book is all about basic nutrition so that you can learn how to better build your meals for your health.
The second part of the book is easy to make recipes. All my recipes are my own and tried and enjoyed. They are all vegetarian and packed with nutrients. I've even included the caloric, fat, carbohydrate and protein content of each meal. Each recipe is also created for large families or meal preppers.
The last part of the book is tips and tricks for the kitchen to keep foods longer, seasoning and spices that are good for your health, an explanation of how to determine your macro needs and more.
A lot of hours, months and dedication went into writing this book and I would appreciate anyone who chooses to order it. Thank you so much!